What Is High Vibration Energy?

We’re all familiar with the term ‘high vibe’. We’re heard it a million times in reference to everything from songs and relationships to living and homes. The Urban Dictionary defines it as a naturally high state: the state of joy one achieves when a person’s actions and beliefs are aligned, and all the pieces of their life have integrity and love at its core.

High vibration energy encompasses all of this and more. A vibration is the energetic quality of people, places, thoughts and other things, and we all vibrate at particular frequencies. If the frequency is low, our energy will be denser and our problems seem heavier. But if the frequency of our energy is high, we will feel lighter physically, emotionally and mentally.

Energy is intuitive too. You know when you meet someone, and you naturally want to spend time with them. Others, however, can make you feel like you want to avoid them. In both cases, you are sensing their energy.

I’ve been studying quantum physics, energetic philosophy, feng shui and anything to do with the fifth dimension for 20 plus years now. The work has manifested in my life in so many ways, and I’ve implanted it in my career and in my personal life.

From a purely scientific perspective, quantum physics, also known as quantum mechanics or quantum theory, is the branch of physics that describes how the universe works at the level smaller than atoms. It is a theory of matter and energy based on the concept of quanta, especially quantum mechanics. A quantum of energy is a specific amount of energy, and quantum physics describes how that energy moves and interacts at the sub-atomic level.

The theory relates to the possibilities of the relationship between matter and energy. It refers to an entire sub-layer of physics that involves the mysterious relationship between matter and energy.

According to Wikipedia, quantum mysticism, on the other hand, is a set of metaphysical beliefs and associated practices that seek to relate consciousness, intelligence, spirituality or mystical world views to the ideas of quantum mechanics and its interpretations. This New Age incarnation of quantum theory combines ancient mysticism with quantum mechanics.

New Age scientists believe the universe is made of energy instead of matter. As science goes deeper and deeper into matter, it finds that matter is only energy. Spirituality goes further and says that even energy is a product of consciousness. Consciousness is able to alter the nature of matter and energy, as can be seen from quantum mechanics experiments.

All physical reality is energy existing in a wide web that is interconnected across space and time. That web – the quantum field – has all the probabilities, which we can shift and collapse into reality through our thoughts (consciousness, feelings and state of being). This means you can achieve the desired outcomes you want. 

As an example, we can set up our home with the highest of highest vibrations through firstly clearing and transmitting the current energy and raising the vibrations with conscious intention. Then we truly tap into the unlimited supply that is available to all of us. If you do want to set up your home in such a way, read Creating a high-vibe home.

Other ways to turn up your vibration include focussing on feelings gratitude, love and generosity. Think positive thoughts, forgive others, don’t complain, and surround yourself with people who lift you up, not drag you down. Do yoga, meditation and breathwork, eat well, exercise outdoors, ensure your home and work environments reflect beauty, and have fun!

When you are in your high energy and high vibrational space, in tune with your emotions and the flow of everything, that’s when you enter into a state of love, joy and peace. And what you want is for that high energy to open up into the quantum field so you can create your beautiful life.

I can tell you that this really works. It is really an energetic thing and it comes from developing those beautiful intentions.

Natasha McElwaine

I am an energy worker and my approach is based on my many years working with quantum physics, the fifth dimension and feng shui. I know from all of my studies that manifesting abundance in your life doesn’t have to be difficult. Welcome to a new, more joyful way of living! You can visit my site at natashamcelwaine.com.